Is Your Body Trying To Tell You Something?

On a daily basis, we feel numerous sensations in our body. Some are pleasant like the warmth of your morning coffee or a good belly laugh. Others are uncomfortable like pain, fatigue or hunger. Some of these sensations are obvious and at the forefront of our awareness when they occur. Many others are subtle and we may brush them off or not notice them at all. 

Whether the sensation is obvious or subtle, our bodies are constantly providing information about the status of our health and wellbeing. Do you ever stop to think about what your body may be telling you in these moments?

You may have heard that our emotions are stored in the body. When we feel an emotion, a physical sensation occurs alongside what we experience in our mind. Since most of us were not taught this fact growing up, we often are oblivious to it. Often times, we are aware of an emotion in our mind but not the sensation in our body. Other times we are aware of a body sensation but have no understanding that there is any emotion behind it. This mind/body disconnect can be problematic, causing us to react in situations without understanding the full picture. 

The diagram above provides some common sensations one could feel when they experience a given emotion. Next time you feel an emotion or sensation, take time to explore how they might be connected. Doing this may help you identify something you deeply need. 

What body sensations tell you that you are feeling a particular emotion? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! 

Laura HoudComment