Wishing You *Sanity* This New Year

Wishing you *sanity* this coming new year.png

Today’s blog post comes in the words of Isabel Foxen Duke:

I started following Isabel’s blog years ago when I was seeking a better relationship with food and my body. Her content is raw and hilarious and I can honestly say she has changed my life! Head over to her website to sign up for some weekly gold in your inbox (isabelfoxenduke.com)

In the spirit of New Years Eve, I thought today’s email was a perfect one to share:

“My New Years resolutions for the first two decades of my life revolved exclusively around dieting and losing weight. 
I had few (if any) aspirations as seemingly important as getting thin—and any “real dreams” I had were put on hold indefinitely until I reached some arbitrary (or imaginary) size.
Of course, I never got "there," the mythical place called "thin enough" ...or at the very least, I never stayed there.
I only wasted time—precious year, after precious year—singularly focused on a goal that did nothing but distract me from all others. 
This New Years, perhaps it's time to ask:
if I weren't distracted by the ultimately futile pursuit of thinness,
what would I pursue? 
where would I put my energy, my efforts, my time? 
what would I make my New Years Resolution, if I was truly DONE with dieting?
Wishing you *sanity* this coming new year,
xo Isabel”
