Quarter Life Blogging

#Adulting (Blog post) .png

As many of you know, my counseling practice is focused on supporting young people as they navigate the challenges of early adulthood.

The process of becoming an adult is an exciting, challenging, confusing and highly misunderstood time of life. Contrary to what our society tells us, our adult life does not simply show up when we reach 18. In fact, our brain doesn’t even fully develop until we are in our late 20s! So it’s no wonder #adulting is such a struggle. We are mentally, emotionally and biologically in transition. 

Today, I am celebrating 1 year since I began writing this weekly blog. Though I have enjoyed the journey and content I’ve produced, I want to start off this next year with more focus and intention. 

So from here on out, you can expect each post to focus exclusively on “Quarter Life” issues. I will cover topics such as money, career, work life balance, fantasies and expectations, family and relationships, social media, mental health issues, body image, substance use and more. I will dive deeper into what it means to be “intraconnected” and how you can use this confusing time of life to your advantage. 

My goal, is to help you see that you have power in your life. You get to choose how you show up in the world and what kind of person you want to be. 

Let’s get on the road toward a rich and meaningful life! 

Happy 1 year blog-iversary to Intraconnections Counseling!

What Quarter Life topics you would like me to cover this year? I would love to hear any suggestions in the comments below!