Body Image During Quarantine

Body Image During Quarantine.png

Change can be triggering. Change in the form of a pandemic can be extra triggering. 

It is easy to go back to old habits when we are in the face of change. Old habits are comfortable and familiar. They allow us to feel more in control when our environment is seemingly out of control.

Those of us who have struggled with food or body image issues may be feeling extra sensitive or aware of our bodies right now. Triggering messages seem to be present at every angle to “get fit in quarantine” or “watch out for the quarantine-15!” 

If you’re noticing an increase in worry about food, exercise or body image during this pandemic, I encourage you to ask yourself, “why now?”

Maybe… the familiar anxiety around your body is easier to sit with than other anxieties (e.g. death, getting sick, losing a loved one, losing your job, paying your bills, etc.) Turning to familiar behaviors like dieting, exercising or body checking may help you feel more safe and in control while the chaos forms around you. 

But I challenge you to ask yourself what other anxieties are present? What kind of support do you need that won’t be sufficient by going on a new diet or starting that extreme home exercise program? Pull out your journal and jot down your worries. Make a list of self care activities. Some examples could be calling someone supportive, watching a funny movie or TV show or going for a mindful walk. 

What kind of messages are you absorbing on a daily basis? Is your instagram flooded with messages about thinness, body comparison and dieting? Or with messages of body positivity, self care and nourishing recipes?

I want to share this list of people that advocate for body positivity and anti-dieting. They have each enhanced my life for the better. They are people that are not out to change you, but to help you find acceptance for who you are.

With each new person you follow, consider unfollowing someone that does not encourage self-acceptance. You have the power to transform the messages you receive.✌🏼