Common Holiday Stressors!

The holidays are meant to be relaxing and joyous, right? Maybe for some people it's that simple, but for many of us the holidays carry a lot of stress. Today, I want to touch on some common holiday stressors and provide ideas for how to cope with them:

Time: Decorating, shopping, entertaining, traveling - It can feel like so much to do and so little time. If you are feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, take a moment and intentionally slow down. Write down the tasks you need to get done and consider eliminating things that aren’t totally necessary.

Money: Tis’ the season for overspending. Black Friday grooms us to believe every deal is a good deal and the next thing you know you’ve gone way over budget. For the rest of the year, determine what level of spending will keep you afloat. This could mean saying no to expensive events or returning some overly pricy gifts. It is okay to set yourself up for security in the new year!

Family: If you are like me, you are no stranger to family drama over the holidays. Given the dynamics of your family, can you identify what has been helpful vs. harmful to you in previous years? Give yourself permission to actively avoid the things that feel harmful. If someone is making you uncomfortable, leave the room or find someone you are close to for support. Make a list of things you need in order to feel safe and grounded.

Food: If you struggle with body image or disordered eating, this time of year can be difficult. It’s easy to use the upcoming new year as an excuse to have “one last hurrah” before restricting all your favorite foods again. Recognize this harmful pattern and let go of this so called “resolution.” Without food rules in 2020, you won’t feel the need to desperately indulge “for the last time.”

Alcohol: For some families, booze is central this time of year. If you are planning to drink, pay close attention to your consumption. It is always helpful to make a plan, whether that is limiting yourself to a certain number of drinks or reaching for water as much as possible. If you plan to avoid drinking completely, make sure you have someone supporting you in this decision.

What other holiday stressors have you experienced? How have you learned to cope with them? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Laura HoudComment